Monday, June 22, 2009

We would like to take a vote...

PLEASE do not steal any of the following names! (at least until we officially decide on one) (thank you.) :)
Please vote for the name you like best:
1. Adrik Vance Tait (pernounced: ADD-RICK)
2. Jonas Vance Tait
3. Verric Vance Tait
4. Jonas Reginald Tait
5. Verric Reginald Tait

F.Y.I: I do not like the name Reginald, but it was Jordan's grand/great grandfathers name and he would like to use it. I am also not a huge fan of Vance, but it was my fathers name.
PLEASE VOTE! We really want to decide on a name for this kid! And we are still open to if you have any let us know...we will add it to the pole if we like it. (sorry Todd...Ferrari is not an option) :)


  1. Well, Jonas makes me think of the Jonas brothers and Vance makes me think of my first boyfriend. I am voting for Verric Vance. However, if the first one is pronouned "Add-er-ick" then I liked it the best.

  2. Jonas Vance

    P.S. Camping this weekend?

  3. Jonas Vance is also my favorite. And you totally win the award for crying over nothing while pregnant. I had a good laugh over the chicken strip thing. so funny.

  4. You could have at least put Ferrari out there. Now I ask you? What little boy would not like to be named Ferrari?

    PS: We have to talk about that music.

  5. How about Phelan Vance? I like Fallon better for a girl but Phelan for a boy is close.

  6. I know this isn't on there, but Jordan, what happened to Turbo? TNT?

  7. Turbo Ferrari Tait has a nice ring to it.

  8. I like Adrick or however you spelled it. I can't believe you're already 27 weeks along. It seems like it has gone so fast. Can't wait to see him!

  9. What about Merrik? Kinda like Verric...
